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商丘市沃尔龙量具有限公司企业文化!公司宗旨一一润通财富,惠己泽人。 The purpose of the company-Runtong wealth, Hui Jize people. 公司精神一一诚信、务实、高效、创新。 The spirit of the company-integrity, pragmatism, efficiency, innovation. 团队口号一一点燃希望,照亮生活,诚信为本、超越自我、团结拼搏、福祉共谋。 Team slogan-Light up hope, light up life, integrity, transcendence, Unity, struggle, and well-being. 发展理念一一持续精进,战略务实,创新模式,厚积薄发。 The concept of development-continuous refinement, strategy and pragmatism, innovation model, and accumulation of thin hair. |